Site & Templating

  1. Site & Templating
    1. Set up site
    2. Templating
      1. Content template
      2. Base template
      3. Template language
    3. Template override
    4. Nice url
    5. Template functions & filters

Templating is a typical way to write web pages. With digimaker sitekit, you can write templates smoothly.

Digimaker’s template can be used in not only website, but also in any html-generating context, eg. pdf generating from html, email sending.

The template override provides condition-based rules for template files, so you can organize template files, template blocks, and reused templates better.

Note: Digimaker doesn’t have session based authorization. So for displaying content needing login, we suggest to use rest api with client rendering - react/vue/angular or jquery.

Set up site

In configs/dm.yaml sites section you will see configuration below:

  - identifier: dmdemo
    host: "localhost:9200"
    #path: "demo"
    root: 3
    default: 3
  • host: the website visit host, including port if there is
  • path: prefix of the site path if there is
  • root: root content id of the site
  • default: default content id of the site, for index page


Content template

When visiting content from a url, it will try to find content template(which can be overrided in override files’s content_view section) in full viewmode.(See template override below for more about override with viewmode).

An article’s page may look like below(under article/full.html)

{% extends "../base.html" %}

{%block content%}
<div class="{{content.ContentType}} full">
    <div class="article-author">created by {{content.AuthorName}}</div>
    {{output_field( "summary", content )}}
    {{output_field( "body", content )}}

Base template

Base template defines the layout, which is in base.html (eg. web/templates/demo/base.html). Content template is the entry template when visiting a content page and it uses extends to ‘inherit’ base template.

Digimaker uses block in templating, meaning base.html defines block and real template fills in value. In example below, base.html defines content block and is filled in article/full.html


<div class="main">
    {%block content%}Default body{% endblock %}

Template language

The template language is syntax and feature-compatible with Django 1.7. For full template language grammar&features, please vist Pongo2’s page

Template override

When visiting a content page, Digimaker will try to find template of the content. Below is an template override example(under configs/template_override.yaml) of visiting a folder, so for any folder content type, it will use folder/full.html:

- contenttype: folder
  viewmode: full
  to: folder/full.html

There are many possiblities in setting the override rule, eg. by content type, id, field value, author, etc. For more template override rules, see references/template-override

Note: if there are several rules matching one content, the topest will be used. There is debug tool which can debug which template is used and the matching process.

Also you can use include to group override rules based on eg. site, viewmode, "view section"(content or field or others), see Include other override files.

Nice url

Digimaker by default provides nice-url, so if you use <a href="{{dm.niceurl(content)}}">News</a>, it will link to the news content page.

Template functions & filters

For template function&filter refrences, visit functions/filters